2nd Day of the JF Summer Term

I had occasion to leave my desk this afternoon. Walking around campus, I was struck by the beauty of this place.  At the start of every term, I practice seeing this place anew, with fresh eyes. Today is the second day of our summer term for our January Freshman students. Next week our new group of…

Commencement 2019!

May is an especially exciting time for colleges, because it typically marks the time of senior commencement. This month, we graduated a total of 168 graduates between the two campuses – 98 in Annapolis, and 70 in Santa Fe. In Annapolis, though the weather was a bit rainy, spirits were bright as graduates watched Annapolis…

Davis Scholars Globe Ceremony

Pictured:  Fu Tiantong, Sila Karabiber (invited as a special guest speaker), Mohab Sherif Ismail Younis, Pano Kanelos (invited as special guest speaker), Juana Melendez, Yu Yau Wong, and Amanda Stevens (Invited as “Director of International Recruitment and as most awesomest Davis Liason/human”) Davis Scholars are graduates from the United World College system, which has campuses…

A Picnic at the Dean’s

Pictured above: Dean Sterling, grill master. We’re now fully into spring in Santa Fe, as signified both by warm temperatures on campus and the slow melting of snow off the peaks of our neighborhood mountains. Dean Walter Sterling marked the occasion by inviting all staff and faculty into his home for some delicious food, great…

May Day

In college admissions May 1 in known as National College Decision Day, but in Annapolis, MD May 1 is also known as “May Day”—the day where our city comes together to celebrate spring! The Garden Club of Old Annapolis invites all homeowners and businesses alike to take part in a May Day Basket competition. This…