Summer Academy, Week 1, Day 1

Origins. Today is the first full-day of the first week for our 2017 Summer Academy Program. We welcomed 49 teenagers to campus last night. After registering, some unpacking and eating dinner, the students and tutors jumped right into seminars on Prometheus Bound; this morning they had an hour and half discussion in language tutorials about…

Hiking on campus

One of my favorite things about our campus’s location in Santa Fe  (and it’s a long list!) are the hiking opportunities that start literally on campus. There is even one hike–Monte Sol–that you can do, from start to finish, without ever leaving campus! But the most extensive hiking opportunities come in the Santa Fe National…

Admissions Retreat 2017!

  Being one college on two campuses is one of the many things that makes St. John’s great,but it also means that the admissions office doesn’t get to be all together nearly as often as we would like! Once a year, we have a week-long retreat on one of the two campuses, which gives us…

School’s out for summer

The photo is from one of the spring break outdoor programs offered on our Santa Fe campus–but I think it captures the joy of a well-earned summer break! But as our students head out to relax, pursue internships and coursework, and enjoy some summer reading, here’s one last monthly round up for the academic year….