A typical morning in the SJC SF coffee shop

In addition to the cooler temperatures, and our first early action application deadline, mid-November also brings with it freshman math tutorials and more in-depth work on Euclid’s Elements. Take note of the chalkboards. Students use them daily as they work together to better understand the mathematical principles at play. Admissions counselors also take the opportunity…

Early Action!

Yesterday was our Early Action I deadline. You may get nervous completing your college application, but we in admissions also get nervous awaiting your application. A full 45% of you submitted the day before the deadline! Shakespeare apparently was wrong; “in delay there lies no plenty [of applications].” As recommendations and transcripts keep rolling into our office, we still…

Never Underestimate the Importance of Coffee

Mike Donaldson is the Office Manager for St. John’s College’s Santa Fe campus. Mike just graduated from the Graduate Institute in May and works in our office to help everyone stay organized and on task. In addition overseeing the student workers he also tracks all of our expenditures. Every morning he goes through a series…