Zen and the Art of Writing

This Wednesday in Santa Fe, we were excited to welcome writer, speaker, and St. John’s College alumna Natalie Goldberg to campus. Goldberg is an incredibly accomplished author and speaker, having  published 14 works, and spoken widely on writing. Writing Down the Bones, her work on Zen and the art of writing, has sold over a million…

Summer Academy Week One

This week marks the first week of Summer Academy at St. John’s College! This year’s opening session is “Courage & the Soul” in Santa Fe, and it’s off to a great start. We welcomed students and parents on Sunday with an opening dinner, where they had to meet our Summer Academy RAs, admissions staff, and…

The Admissions Office gets “Educated”

Summer in the Annapolis Admissions Office kicked off with a new memoir being passed around, entitled “Educated” by Tara Weston. The book details her transition from a child of a survivalist family living in the wilds of Idaho, opposed to formal education, to a student at Brigham Young University, eventually earning a Ph.D from Cambridge….

Summer Plans in Admissions

During the school year, the Admissions staff is busy with high school visits, application reading, and open house events. During the summer time, we have the chance to reset and reflect, both in the office and out. Often, that takes the form of projects, trips, and other activities that carry us through to the start…

The Blues

Each year, the admissions office here at St. John’s runs five week-long summer sessions for high school students, called Summer Academy. Each session includes classes with St. John’s tutors (our form of professors), as well as fun activities and field trips to area museums and cultural attractions. Students get to live in the dorms, eat…

Staff Council Summer Thank you Picnic!

Early June marks a brief respite between semesters and before our summer terms and summer programs shift into high gear. This year the Santa Fe Staff Association Council worked with the President’s office to sponsor a “thank you” picnic for everyone on campus; this included, staff, faculty, students, and families. It was a beautiful Friday…