CTCL – Changing my life and yours

This summer as the pandemic promised to wane, the group of colleges know as the CTCL schools (www.ctcl.org) decided to host a series of in-person college fairs for sophomores, juniors, and rising seniors and their families. Virtual college fairs can certainly do in a pinch and provide much need access to students all over the…

Fall Recruitment and Travel in the Time of a Pandemic

March 2020, news of a pandemic was taking hold all over the world. Students packed up their things and moved out of their dorms. Staff gathered their supplies and laptops and prepared to work from home for a few weeks. Spring admitted student events were rapidly converted to webinars. Things shifted quickly and schools, students,…

Travel Season Begins!

September always marks the start of when our admissions counselors leave the office and head out onto the road, to meet with prospective students. This year we thought it might be kind of fun to introduce our counselors through video to you all! We gave them a couple of questions to answer about their experiences…

First Impressions: Santa Fe Registration

Fresh off of Registration in Annapolis, I ventured to Santa Fe to do it all again! Being new to the Annapolis SJC admissions team, I could not have been more elated for my first trip to Santa Fe. My journey began Sunday at 8:30am from BWI (which is a convenient 30-minute drive from campus) nonstop…

Colleges That Change Lives Recap

Each year, St. John’s attends a number of college fairs all around the world for the Colleges That Change Lives organizations. This organization is a non-profit which collaborates with 65 liberal arts schools from all over the country to help change the way students and families think about the college search process. Each school in the…

New Branding, New Materials!

Earlier this summer St. John’s College made an exciting announcement: We presented our redesigned logo, or as our alumni refer to it, “our new old logo,” which is a fresh and contemporary take on the St. John’s College Seal. Our college is rich in history and tradition, and this new brand identity captures those 235…

Admissions Retreat 2019!

Last Monday, us Annapolitans escaped the muggy east coast to spend some time with our favorite colleagues out in the New Mexican high desert, for a week of reflection and planning. Enchiladas were enjoyed, sunscreen was applied, and most importantly, our work in Admissions was celebrated by all. A few of the topics that we…

What it is like to “go back”

This past week I went back to high school. OK, I didn’t really go back to high school…I went back to visit the college counseling center at the same high school I attended: Fairfield High School in Fairfield, CT. The name has since changed to Fairfield Warde High School, but the spirit and essence of…

Travel Season – Week 1!

Fall is a really exciting time in education. For students, of course, it is a time of new beginnings, heading back to school, and for seniors, even beginning the college application process. Maybe equally as exciting is what Fall means for us in Admissions each year – travel season! From September through November, you can…

Travel Territories

  Fall is right around the corner, and for those of us in admissions that means travel season! We set our travel territories for the coming year at our admissions retreat last week, and we’re excited to get out on the road. Check out what each counselor has to say about their territory this year!…